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Australian Skills Academy RTO code: 45385 aims to provide quality education so that all students have a better chance for a brighter tomorrow.

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ASA Accelerate your Career Accelerate Your Career Enrich your future with education. Times are challenging - so secure your future with value today and skills for tomorrow. The New Way to Learn Our well established registered training organisation adapts with the times so you get to learn how you want. Select from workplace, classroom or online. Talk to us about your options. ASA Premium Teaching Staff Premium Teaching Staff Our highly experienced staff know what it takes to succeed in the workplace. Let our team get you where you want to go.


Australian Skills Academy

Australian Skills Academy RTO code: 45385 aims to provide a quality education so that all students have a better chance for a brighter tomorrow.

Australian Skills Academy is a private organisation committed to providing quality education and training for their students in the most effective and professional manner. Australian Skills Academy has highly trained professionals with the right attitude and personal qualities necessary to deliver the highest standard of education.

Message from the Director

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Australian Skills Academy Pty Ltd (“ASA”).


Your decision to study is a very important phase in becoming job-ready or building on your career. Our highly trained industry professionals have the right attitude and personal qualities to deliver sought after courses that will get you the right job at the time in your life.


Are you ready to design your future with modern, retraining and reskilling?  Shoulder to Shoulder we will work hard and put you in control of your career.


Our registered training organisation (“RTO”) is committed to helping all Australians get smart and skilled with nationally recognised courses, so when you think of adult learning – think Australian Skills Academy!


At ASA our programs are designed to meet the increasing demands for desirable skills in the workplace in the current COVID-19 recovery stage of the Australian Business industry and are complemented by our industry-leading, pragmatic approach to improving your future outlook and employer productivity. Bankstown provides a dynamic, diverse and inclusive atmosphere conducive to student learning – so, join us in Western Sydney or let’s discuss your online, remote, or custom-designed course outlines today!

Marina Khoury

Chief Executive Officer
Australian Skills Academy Pty Ltd
Unit 2b (Level 2), 40 Raymond Street, Bankstown NSW 2200
Phone:  02 87220411
RTO code. : 45385


Courses Available at Australian Skills Academy

Our courses will allow you to gain officially recognised qualifications, aimed to give you a better chance for a brighter tomorrow.

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    Why Employers Choose ASA

    Transform Your Talent

    We never stop learning. Transform your talent and get them official qualifications in new areas, empowering new skills.

    Custom Courses

    We offer custom courses specifically tailored to your needs, depending on request. Get in touch to see if it fits you!

    Upskill / Reskill your staff

    Keep yourself and any of your staff up to date with their skills and qualifications with flexible learning options.

    Contact Us

    Have any queries on what we offer, and how we can help you? Our friendly team is always ready to answer your questions.

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